
by David Rees

It’s Relationshapes time! Pour yourself a glass of wine, put on your coziest sweater and/or tank top, and enjoy!

I had to buy a second answering machine due to the overwhelming number of voicemail messages being left at Relationshapes HQ! Here’s the latest:

“Yo Relationshapes, it’s me Banksy, the guy who does all that weird graffiti stuff. Just wanted to say you’re brilliant, mate. Let’s do a collab on a billboard. I’ll draw a rat kissing a British policeman and you can draw one of your amazing shapes. Call me back; my real name is Douglas Taft and my phone number is 218–939–0622.”

CARTOONIST’S NOTE: I had an interesting conversation with a woman about last week’s “I don’t feel so good” comic. As a person of gender, she thought the joke of the comic was the male shape’s overreaction to the female shape’s “hangover.” Umm … wrong.

The joke of the comic is that the female shape’s insides are spilling out of her, and she’s trying to act like it’s no big deal. The male shape is acting appropriately given how dire the situation is.

These diverging interpretations (one incorrect, one correct) prove the old saying: “Men and women are fundamentally different and there is no hope of having a sustainable relationship with a person of the opposite gender.”

Previously: Relationshapes: Part Three

David Rees is a former political cartoonist. Now he is an artisanal pencil sharpener.