In Which I Commandeer Your Favorite Website

Well kids, I guess now’s as good a time as any to tell you that Edith is on vacation for the next two days. I know. Here, I got you an ice cream cone in anticipation of the tears. Just eat it and try to ignore your soul feeling like a French Bulldog puppy stuck on its back.

Better? Good.

“Who are you?” you might be thinking. “And why should I care?”

Those are valid concerns, and to answer: I am a blogger and a memeographer and a general wiseass. Also (and now I’m just bragging) a photo of my face is the number one Google image result when you search “sweatpants chic.”

So while I may not be your real mom, I’m hoping that over the next few days I can get a little Julia Roberts in Stepmom momentum going and you’ll find it in your heart to keep reading even though I always forget about your gluten allergy and we don’t dance around the bedroom singing Motown hits into our hairbrushes.

Now buck up and get in the minivan. We have some internetting to do.

Photo by Tajreen Hedayet