Fun and Unfun Facts About the American Woman

Today the White House released a report called “Women in America,” and how did we do? Pretty good, but then also not so great, and in some categories very badly. None of this is particularly surprising, unless you’ve been living inside a tree for the past 40 years. In which case, girl, how’d you get in that tree?! From the table of contents:

-Both women and men are delaying marriage
-Fewer women are married than in the past
-More women than in the past have never had a child
-Women are giving birth to their first child at older ages
-Women are having fewer children
-Women’s gains in educational attainment have significantly outpaced those of men over the last 40 year
-[But women still only earn 75% of what men earn]
-More than one-third of all women age 20 and older are obese
-Less than half of all women meet the Federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic activity
-Higher percentages of women than men participate in adult education

And lots more, plus many charts like the one above, all of which show that the species is coming to a slow but triumphant conclusion.