What Black History Month Means to Me: A Chat With My Former Babysitting Charge

by Naomi Ekperigin

After talking to my cousin about The Rock, I thought I’d see what else was happening among the kids this BHM. I used to babysit the cutest kids in Queens, before the family relocated to Colorado. They’re white as the freshly driven snow, but because he grew up in Long Island City, the tiny tot would regale me with tales of the shenanigans among his friends Priyanka, Ama, and Yorgis. When they moved to Colorado, just four blocks away from a MegaChurch (seriously. Seats 3,000), I wondered how they were faring. I decided to chat with Ben, now five years old, to hear what’s going on for BHM out there.

Me: Hi Ben.
Ben: [Laughs, barely audible] Hi.
Me: How are you?
Ben: Hi Naomi.
Me: Hi Ben.
Ben: [Laughs]
Me: Are you high?
Ben: What?! [Laughs some more]
Me: What are you guys doing for Black History Month at school, Ben?
Ben: What?
Me: Black History Month. You know, when you celebrate the achievements and perseverance of African Americans.
Ben: Naomi, you’re silly.
Me: Ben, do you like your new school in Colorado?
Ben: Yes.
Me: Who are your new friends?
Ben: Madison, Grayson, Timothy, and my teacher.
Me: Those names sound very Caucasian. Do you have any black friends?
Ben: I got black sneakers.
Me: OK…
Ben: [Laughs] Naomi, guess what?
Me: What?
Ben: Chicken butt!!! [Hysterical laughter]
Me: Ben, it’s time to get serious. A joke about chicken to a black person, during Black History Month, is déclassé.
Ben: Naomi, guess what?
Me: What, Ben?
Ben: Chicken butt!!!
[Dammit, this kid’s good]
Me: Ben, put your mom on the phone.
[Rustling and banging sounds, like the phone’s being wrapped in newspaper and thrown down a flight of stairs]
Ben’s mom: I told you he doesn’t know how to talk on the phone yet.
Me: He seemed to be enjoying himself, though. That chicken-butt line was killer.

Soujourner is a writer, comedian, and blacktress in New York City. You can catch her live throughout Black History Month, including tonight(!), Saturday, and Sunday.

Photo via OneHorseShy