The Hairpin of the Dog
Did you accidentally eat wine for dinner last night? And maybe you also only got five hours of sleep and then woke up today feeling like you couldn’t possibly give 110% to life? Well, Edith and I know exactly (and I mean exactly) how you feel.
Fortunately, we have discovered a cure for this condition. It’s called more alcohol. And that’s why we’ve created a personalized cocktail just for you: The Hairpin of the Dog! It’s a unique blend of several special ingredients which we found in my fridge and mixed together. After rigorous testing (last weekend…?) we can personally attest to its healing powers. Why don’t you try making one for yourself right now?
Here’s what you’ll need:
-Bottle or can of Miller High Life (try other light beers at your own risk)
-Carton of orange juice
-Bottle of cranberry juice
-Hairpin, for garnish
Here’s what to do:
-Mix 1/2 cup of Miller High Life and 1/2 cup OJ in a fancy glass of your choice.
-Add a generous splash of cranberry juice on top.
-Garnish with a hairpin.
-Drink. Repeat as necessary.
I know that the idea of mixing anything with Miller High Life might sound gross, but remember that Miller is the champagne of beers, and you wouldn’t freak out about mixing champagne and juice would you? So please just take our word for it that it is delicious and HIGHLY drinkable, and mix yourself one, or six.
And now a toast: TGIF!