Should You Try to Have Nice Hair?

What do guys think about when they think about your hair?

-74% of men indicated that they notice women because of their hair and 44% of men surveyed said that hair is the first thing they notice about a woman, more than her clothes (26%), legs (25%), or makeup (4%).

-Most men surveyed would be more likely to approach a woman at a bar with great hair than a woman wearing a low-cut shirt.

-82% of men indicated that sexy hair is a key element to a woman’s overall sex appeal.

-60% of men surveyed say they would rather date a woman with great hair than a woman with big breasts.

-And 78% of men surveyed consider healthy hair to be a turn-on.

But I just asked someone “hair, clothes, legs, or makeup,” and he said “clothes,” and then when I asked him “nice hair or big breasts,” he said “boobs,” so there you have it. People are different. *Lays head on table.*