Presidents Day Is for Eating Cake!
It’s Presidents Day, the most festive holiday of the year! Do we all have our George Washington costumes on? Have we finished decorating our houses with Americana-themed garlands? Great. Now it’s time to eat these Presidents Day cakes that I made using some vanilla frosting and cocoa powder!
Sure, today is supposed to be about George Washington, but he’s old news. Barack Obama is the new man on the scene, and he’s doing fine, at least according to 49.3% of us. So let’s get excited that he’s our president, and eat a slice of his delicious face! We can talk about his accomplishments while our mouths are still full.
This second cake is a celebration of the fact that sometimes it matters just as much who is NOT president as who is. Remember a few years ago when this winking wonder of a woman came thiiiiis close to being the leader of our great nation? But she isn’t! Not yet, anyway! And that is as good a reason as any to eat cake.
P.S. I’ve found the best way to eat this cake is to slowly sink your fist into her face and then lick the crumbs and frosting off of your hand.
[Photos by Pete Olsen]