Micro-Productivity Makes Me Macro-Crazy

by Bonnie

Is micro-productivity a viable way to work for any of you? I keep running into helpful articles on the web about how to fit in micro-steps or micro-progress toward micro-goals, all smooshed into the the teeny slots between say, pressing the toast lever, and watching the toast pop. But that’s not the way I work.

I can either stand there trying to make the toast pop faster using mindpower, or I can wander away, get started on something quite productive actually, then an hour or so later, notice that I’m hungry and traipse back to find cold, blackish toast. Sure I do several things at once, especially digital things, but in a playful, distracted way to beat back the creeping modern-times micro-boredom. Just the task of breaking down all my projects into micro-tasks would be pretty much the day. Already most of my time is spent re-raveling what I was doing in the first place after getting interrupted.