Man Lives in Little Cube Inside Big Loft

by Bonnie

So much to learn, so much to contemplate in this article about a Feng Shui teacher who lives in a large, high-ceilinged loft, but spends his time in a wee cube within that loft. He rolls the cube around to various areas of the loft, and spins it to face different directions, depending on what he’s doing. Because of Feng Shui.

All very interesting, but in a large, open loft, why would anyone want to build a cube that contains a sleeping area and a study as well as a meditation room?

“Having lived in a loft for five or six years,” Mr. Liu says, “I absolutely love it.”

When he visits friends who live in large apartments, he says, “I get back pain, I think, ‘Why do you have such low ceilings?’ ”

And then he goes back to his high-ceilinged home… and stoops down to crawl into his box? Yes. Cubes are important, I suppose. It’s important to pack your belongings into little cubes before packing those into a suitcase, which is a sort of cube with handles. It’s important to store all your stuff on cube-shaped shelves, we all agree.

Do this in your brain, and in your heart. Wouldn’t your brain feel more spacious if all your thoughts were right in the middle in a little brain cube?

For now, however, Mr. Liu seems most taken with the cube’s ability to turn in response to his moods, as well as the way it creates opportunities to appreciate beauty.

That’s all any of us want from a cube, really.