Lady Travel: a Portal to Your Self

by Bonnie

Ladies, do you crave a ladies’ vacation? A vacation to your self, if you will? Perhaps you’d enjoy Portals To The Self: a women’s circle by the sea.

We will create a sacred circle of abundance, compassion and support as we weave together our stories and wisdom becoming midwives of our dreams.

What? I do not know.

How about a 17-day tour of Cambodia and Vietnam with Wanderlust and Lipstick?

There’s a special type of bonding that takes place in women-only groups : Women who’ve been on female-only trips tend to find that there is a more open and creative dynamic than in co-ed groups, and it’s easier to make friends.

That trip actually sounds great, but the name made me snicker.

Maybe a mother-daughter bonding journey to the Blue Ridge Mountains like Raising Empowered Radiant Daughters.

this retreat brings the youngest members of the tribe, our daughters, into the conversation about the grand feminine awakening that is shaking up our world. We will share the secrets of this emergence with our beloved girls and empower them to actively participate in co-creating the future of our world with us.

I’m sure your beloved girls will take this very well, but when I was that age, I would have buried myself in the blue-ridge dirt behind the cabin rather than go through any of that.

A traveler who has enjoyed trips with Canyon Calling says,

When you’re with all women, you can talk freely about a lot of topics that you may not otherwise be able to in a mixed crowd — things you’re going through physically, mentally, psychologically, at work, at home, with family, alone,” says Joanne Marshall, a traveler who’s been on two trips with the women-only adventure tour company “The bonding that can happen in such a short time comes from spending 24 hours a day together, day after day, with like-minded women.”

Convinced? Try these.

Wander Woman

Glamour Getaways

Journey Weavers

Surf Goddess Retreats

Gutsy Women

Serendipity Traveler

Or just snicker at the names.