Important New Mascara Helper

by Bonnie

As a woman, it’s hard to paint stuff onto tiny little hairs near sensitive organs for seeing.

Lashcard is here to help! To help you put on mascara.

designed and engineered to fit a variety of eye shapes. In addition, these contoured curves ensures nose bridge clearance

Nose bridge clearance. Finally, you won’t embarrass yourself by walking around with dreaded “Racoon Nose.”

The Dilemma
• work + yoga + going out = hard to find time to keep the flawless makeup look

Ladies, we are on the go, as I’m sure you’ve been reminded several times already this morning. Maybe your protein bar label told you.

…using a business card was inconvenient, and who wants to put a dirty business card on their eye

Wouldn’t it be easier and better and somehow more poetic to use a disposable card from a convenient pack of ten? Answer me!