Happy Lady Porn Day!

Did you know today was Lady Porn Day? It is, and Rachel Rabbit White made it up. In her words, LPD is “a day about exploring porn and masturbation. Because It’s tough trying to explore porn as a girl.” Over on her site, today and all week long, readers and contributors are sharing “porn stories, insights or favorite porn links.” There’s really no way to go wrong here.

To keep quoting Rachel, who’s also getting into it on Twitter, you should “ask your friends: ‘hey what do you think about porn — and what sites can you recommend?’” And that’s it. Hopefully you have things to share/recommend, but, if not, she provides lots. (And, needless to say, most of what she links to is NSFW. Which is good, because what’s sadder than SFW porn? “My favorites are the ones where they just kiss.”)