Can Someone Remind Me If I Care That My Daughter Is Having Sex?

Don’t you hate it when you’ve got a deeply held conviction about an issue that’s close to your heart, and then all of a sudden you can’t remember what it is? That very thing happened to Sarah Palin during her campaign for Vice President in 2008. Her former aide, Frank Bailey, is writing a tell-all book about all the fun times they had together, and today the Daily Beast has released some interesting details:

“The Alaska governor ‘went into a panic’ because she didn’t remember what her public stance on sex education was. Palin ‘ordered’ [Bailey] to examine the Alaska Family Council campaign survey from 2006 to find out whether she was in favor of abstinence-only education.”

OK, no problem. Deep breaths, Sarah. He can just look it up and then you can move on. Oh, wait…

“When I found out Sarah had indicated she supported abstinence-until-marriage education and explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support, we realized an unwed pregnant daughter made that position potentially embarrassing.”

Ooooooooooops! It’s the worst when you also happen to forget about your unmarried teenage daughter who is knocked up at that very moment!

Picture from Flickr