Bishop Approves iPhone Confession App

by Bonnie

Confession: a Roman Catholic App makes it easy to confess with one hand while you sin with the other. “OMG the }:-) made me do it. lolololol!!”

The Confession app’s approval forms part of a broader move by the Church to embrace new technology, following Pope Benedict’s speech earlier this year at World Communications Day in which he said that Catholics should make “good use of their presence in the digital world.”

Here I made you a rosary emoticon, you’re welcome:

OooooooooooOooooooooooOOooooooooooOooooooooooOooooooooooOOoooO — — — I — — — — — -

2.10.11 Update! Hope you confessed every little sin yesterday, because one day later, the Vatican has banned high-tech, easy-breezy confession.
