Williamsburg-Themed Camels Doing Well

by Liz Colville

R.J. Reynolds’ Williamsburg, Brooklyn-themed Camel cigarette packs recently hit shelves, and they’re reportedly selling out quickly. One deli employee told the Brooklyn Paper, “I smoke Marlboro, but whenever I see the Williamsburg [Camels] I buy it. I live in the neighborhood, so it’s cool to have. We’re selling out of them quick.” Other deli workers interviewed said they’re “running out of the neighborhood pack the same day that they’re dropped off.”

But wait a minute! The city-themed packs (they also come in Austin and Seattle flavors) are a dollar cheaper than regular Camels, per the frugal artistic lifestyle of the people living in the area. Plus, R.J. Reynolds is apparently delivering the ‘burg packs very, very slowly. But anyhow, a dollar saved…or in one woman’s case, lots and lots of dollars:

Heck, one woman even walks into the N 7 Market on Bedford Avenue and N. Seventh Street every single day to see if any Williamsburg packs arrived, a cashier said. When the packs are around, she buys every single one.

Well done, R.J. Reynolds! Getting them while they’re young and broke. And alive.
