What Kind of High-School Girlfriend Were You? And Are You Miserable Now?

Were you a cool one? Were you a slutty one? Were you never one because _____? Were you one of the ones who always asked “do you really care about me”? Uh oh, if you were that last one. (All the other ones are good, though.)

Adolescents and young adults who excessively seek reassurance in their romantic relationships are at increased risk for depression, according to a new psychological study at the University of Maine. Excessive reassurance seeking — such as constantly asking, “Do you really care about me?” — is associated with poorer relationship quality and internalizing problems, especially for girls and young women.

Let’s all say things that happened with high-school boyfriends, and then say if we’re miserable now. If you really care about me you’ll do this.

[Thanks, Simcha!]