GChat and You

Caroline Bankoff has written a long and charming essay for Thought Catalog about GChat, which for some of us has replaced speech as, if not the preferred than at least the most frequent form of human communication.

4. I started GChatting on March 6th, 2007, and as of this writing, I have 9940 chats in my records. If you have an idea for how I should commemorate my 10,000th chat — I estimate it will take place sometime late next week — you should let me know.

Interesting! I’m 11,069 from June of ’06. You? What does it mean? Nothing? Literally nothing? Bankoff was also brave enough to search her chats to see how many of them contain the word “literally” (787), which I’m too afraid to do. Feel free to also take this opportunity to fall down the rabbit hole that is (are?) your own first GChats, as I just did, and was literally filled with shame.