Someone Is Watching Julie and Julia Every Day for a Year

by Liz Colville

A college student by the name of Lawrence Dai just started a blog called The Lawrence/Julie & Julia Project, which consists of him watching the Nora Ephron film Julie & Julia every day for an entire year and blogging about it. So, yes, he is riffing on the idea behind the film, which was based on a blog, the Julie/Julia Project, in which a woman cooked every Julia Child recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking for a year and blogged about it, then had the opportunity to turn her blog into a book. But…uhhh…

This particular riff is painful and strange, and if it were an actual riff we might cover our ears. But maybe only in theory! In practice it could turn out like a cool college writing exercise in which you are forced to write about the same thing, oh, 365 different ways. Dai will discover things about himself! Maybe those things will be turned into a movie. But no, because why blog about this particular thing 365 times? If he was going for something really bad, why didn’t Dai choose, say, Bring It On Again?

Dai is eight days into the project now, and reports that he’s had to “cut down the hours I spend playing scrabble on facebook” (this guy is BUSY), but is otherwise doing fine with his daily load of Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. He’s uncovered a few very uninteresting facts and stats about the movie, and after seven viewings he learned that “most of the screen-time is dedicated to two women cooking and crying and such.” Oh my god, guy. Oh my god. [Via]