Deciding to Get Divorced While Admiring Your Day-Old Child

by Liz Colville

What would compel one to get a divorce while sitting in the hospital holding one’s day-old pink bean aka child? I don’t know, but this just happened to Steve Nash and his wife Alejandra Amarilla. To save time, paper, money, breaths, emotions, bandwidth and other resources, the basketball star announced the birth of his son and his divorce from his wife in one press sitting. Wahhhh! This is the most curious I’ve ever been about a celebrity.

Apparently they’ve been separated for a few months. But still. Timing? Crazy? So. Nash cheated on her? And/or Alejandra Amarilla’s hormones were driven so haywire — do not underestimate how haywire they go during pregnancy, plus once a month in the many, many years surrounding those nine months, that she grew to hate him and him her, instead of going with the more reasonable “It’s just hormones, let’s ignore each other until this passes” route that I take in my own life? Maybe Alejandra Amarilla should think about this? Maybe she was just lying in the hospital bed all pale and exhausted and still slightly high off meds that she did really have time to process this? Or Nash took one look at the child, who is their third, and said, “Gross,” or, “This isn’t mine,” or “This isn’t yours. I can explain.” Or he didn’t show up to the birth. Or this has been a long time coming. It being a long time coming does not mean two people who hate each other can’t have drunken unprotected sex leading to sad, unfortunately conceived bebes. If only hate was a form of contraception! I just got such a staggering déjà vu that I almost tipped back too far in my chair.

The good news in all this is that Nash is a “deep reader,” and also “down to earth, intelligent and known for a quick sense of humor.” In other words, he’s available!

Photo by Richard Burdett via Wikipedia