Silicon Alley Women Encouraged to Remind Men of Their Existence

by Liz Colville

Today Silicon Alley Insider published a list called “The Silicon Alley 100: New York’s Coolest Tech People in 2010,” and, well, you know what I’m about to say: there are barely any women on the list.

As the Observer notes, the criteria to make the list are “pretty thin.” Dammit, they sound like they were developed by teenagers: “We’ve put together our annual list of 100 people in the New York tech community who did really cool stuff this year,” SAI says. Anyway, you can be sure the whole thing didn’t go unnoticed. The Wall Street Journal’s Katie Rosman tweeted, “That’s a lotta white boys.” SAI’s Henry Blodget responded that there were “plenty of girls too!” “Girls”! Well maybe Rosman asked for that. But “Plenty”! Here’s the whole awesome exchange:

Hahahahaha. I don’t know, Henry. Yours? Later, Rosman observed:

Maybe! Later, Blodget sort of tried to backpedal with this:

Neato! Except they’ve always been there. You just haven’t been looking for them. [Via]